Authenticated Intelligence

The True, Verified Gospel of Luke

In an era in which truth is subjective and news is almost always  biased, we need a message that is authentic and can be verified.  We want a word we can claim from a source we can trust.  

With that in mind, there is a book with an author who wanted his  audience to KNOW the certainty of the what they had been told.  This author didn’t write hearsay. He thoroughly investigated the  eyewitness reports and found that that they were genuine and  verified. 

And, in his account, he quotes the ONE who not only speaks  TRUTH, but IS TRUTH, The Son of Man, Jesus Christ. 

Jesus teaches a new way of thinking and living, sometimes using  riddles and stories to explain His point, with Monday morning  applications that are relevant regardless of the generation or  time. 

He tells us clearly how to pray, where to sit at a party, what to  expect in the last days, how faith as small as a tiny seed can  have a giant impact, and the importance of knowing what you  believe. 

Jesus is unlike the voices that compete for our attention today.  His Words have POWER. When He speaks the crippled and sick  are healed, those enslaved are freed, the deaf can hear, and the  enemy retreats. 

He turned the world he lived in upside down, and He is still doing  that today. When society tells lies, He says, TRULY I TELL YOU. 

And so, In a time in which artificial intelligence seems to be the  voice of the future, we can have AUTHENTICATED  INTELLIGENCE because of the amazing Dr. Luke, who took the  time and effort to verify the information and wrote the beautiful  and TRUE Gospel of Luke so that in his words 

“we may KNOW the certainty of the things we have been taught!”


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Meet Gayle O’Neal