“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”


Welcome to @Home Bible Study! 

Creating your own group is easy and flexible.  All you need is a time and place to meet, and a facilitator to organize the details and moderate discussions. Watch the video below to get started.

Each group has the freedom to determine where and when to meet, the number of members, and the format.

The weekly discussion questions and video will be available each week on the @Home Bible Study website and can be used as your group decides.  The following are suggestions that may help get your group organized.

  1. Select one or two co-hosts (besides yourself) for times when you will be out of town or unable to lead.

  2. Choose a day and time and stick with it.  For those wanting to follow the traditional Thursday Bible Study format and watch the lecture as a group, plan to meet on Thursdays from 11 am to 1 pm CST.  Discussion time to go over the completed questions will be from 11 am - 12 pm.  The lecture will be available each week on the website, and can be accessed by pressing the grey arrow on the video thumbnail.

    This schedule can be modified accordingly for those who want to include lunch during the video, make announcements, or add prayer time at the beginning or end.  For those who wish to meet on another day or time, the lecture will stay permanently on the website and can be accessed at a time convenient for your group. 

  3. Some groups may want to have lunch during the video portion.  Your group can decide how to handle this:  For instance, group members can take turns bringing food for the group, or each individual bringing their own “sack lunch.”

  4. Prayer is an important component.  Smaller groups may want to end with prayer requests or prayer time.  Some groups may choose to draw prayer partners.  Or, someone can gather prayer requests and share them in a confidential, time-sensitive manner.

  5. Confidentiality is KEY in the success of a group.  Never share personal information about another member of your group or the answers that are shared in confidence.

We are happy to provide any help or training to get you started.  Any concerns or questions, please contact us and someone will get back to you promptly.  We are thrilled to have you @Home!