Dear Abigail…

1 Samuel 25 

Dear Abigail (Abby), 

You are renowned for your wisdom and beauty; and, you captured the heart of a king and  became his wife! What advice would you give a younger woman who is newly married, or  hoping to soon be wed, on how to have a Godly, happy marriage? 




You are already on your way — seeking wisdom is the first step in becoming a Godly wife!  Read what several “older” married ladies have to say on what makes a successful marriage: 

62 year-old wife, married 38 years 

“Never rely on your spouse to fix your problems or make you happy, and don’t blame your  problems on your spouse. I would also say to never stop dating! Make time to have special  date nights on a regular basis!” 

89 year-old wife, married 66 years 

God is in control. 

Write love letters to your sweetie! 

Always kiss goodnight. 

Show mutual respect. 

Never ever go to bed mad — kiss and makeup first! 

Enjoy each other and find common interests. 

Sex is great! Enjoy!! 

30 year old wife, married 5 years 

“The key to a happy marriage can be summed up in two words: separate bathrooms!” 

63 year-old wife, married 42 years 

“We place so many expectations on our husbands, wanting them to be a knight in shining armor  and make our life perfect. No wonder they often find a hobby they are passionate about. We  can be needy! We need to stop holding our husbands responsible for our happiness. We need  to let go of the unrealistic expectations we place on our husbands and surrender our needs to  God, the ONE who can truly satisfy our longings. And then, we can love our husbands as the  helpmate and gift He gave us.”  

81 year-old wife, married 58 years 

“Especially in marriage the golden rule applies. But he’s a guy - different from you. So learn his  wants and needs as best you can, and try to teach him yours. Then do unto him as you would  wish him to do unto you… in love. And pray a lot!” 

61 year-old wife, married 37 years 

Find fun activities you enjoy doing together. 

Take an occasional vacation with just each other - no friends or kids. 

Enthusiastically participate in in-law family activities, even if it is something you don't enjoy.

Be supportive of your spouse's work endeavors and hobbies. 

Look for the humor in challenging situations! 

63 year-old wife, married 37 years 

“A cord of three strands is not easily broken,…” Ecclesiastes 4:12 

“In marriage, when Christ is at the center, our focus is on Him instead of on ourselves or each  other. God gives us the gift of time to enjoy each other and to live life together, yet the freedom  to love one another as He created us to be! Always laugh a lot, say you’re sorry, and spend  time being together! Marriage is a gift from Him!” 

XOXO — Abigail


If Only…


The Epitaph