How to Pray for the Military

@HOME Bible Study greatly appreciates our member, and Sister-in-Christ, Senior Master  Sergeant Kelly Gragido for her dedicated military service to our country. She shared how  meaningful it is to those serving in the military to know that someone is praying for them,  especially during the holidays when they are away from family and friends. Below are a few verses to help you intercede for those who are currently serving our country this Christmas! 

For their safety and protection:  

“Lord, You are a hiding place; protect our men and women of the military from trouble;  surround them with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7 

For courage and endurance:  

Father, help our servicemen and women to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or  terrified; because you, the Lord our God, goes with them; You will NEVER leave them or  forsake them.” Deuteronomy 31:6 

For peace:  

Jesus, thank you that You “have told us these things, so that in You, they may have peace. In  this world, we will have trouble. But we take heart! You have overcome the world!” John  16:33 

Thank you for taking time to pray for those who spend their lives protecting our country’s  liberty and security. May God bless your family this Christmas, and may God bless the United  States of America!

By Kelly Gragido


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