Meet the Member: Allison W.

How did you get involved with @HOME Bible Study?  I had been in the Bible Study Fellowship under the amazing leadership of Betty and Gayle!  I wanted a similar study that had daily accountability.

What has been your favorite study and why?  And, or, if you are new, what would you most like to study? Sonrise to Sonday.  I especially liked studying Hebrews as it challenges us to stand firm in our faith, constantly fixing our eyes on Jesus and His mercy.

What is your “go to” Bible verse, or story from the Bible that inspires you and why? Phillipians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and Ephesians 3:16-19 It is my prayer for all!!!

What do you hope to gain through Bible Study, for how do you hope to grow in your relationship with Christ?  I hope to gain more insight about how the Lord uses people and their journeys to grow them and others in their faith

When, and how, do you make time for Bible Study in your day? First thing in the morning! 

How has studying God’s Word impacted your work, social life, or family dynamic? It has helped me know my identity and value in the Lord and therefore taken the pressure off looking to others to meet my needs

Who would you most like to meet from the Bible and what question(s) would you ask them?  Paul.  I love how he went from a legalistic type A rule follower to a grace filled witness, constantly encouraging new believers and pointing them to Christ. I love his willingness to speak the truth in love. 

What has brought you joy this past week? Time in the glorious mountains with my family

What does a typical day in your life look like? Quiet time with the Lord, exercise, errands and meetings

What is your favorite way to spend your free time? With family and friends. Recently it has been going to see my new grandbaby!

Favorite FTW restaurant, and what do you order? Pacific Table. Cedar planked salmon

Favorite place to vacation/spend time in the summer? Telluride

What qualities do you look for in a friend? Authenticity. A love for adventure. I also feel it is important to be with those who bring out the best in me.


Meet the Member: Lauren M.
