Whipped feta

Pickled beets


Roasted salted pistachios

Thinly sliced red onion

White balsamic vinegar - optional

Edible flowers – optional

Whipped feta

8 oz. drained feta

Plain yogurt or sour cream as needed

Whip feta in a food processor adding just enough yogurt or sour cream to allow feta to become creamy.  This can be made a few days in advance and kept in the refrigerator.

Pickled beets

2 bunches golden beets. – about 6 medium to large

1 small white onion sliced – optional

1 T pickling spices

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup apple cider vinegar

¾ cup water

Preheat oven to 400.

Remove roots and leaves. Wash thoroughly, scrubbing if necessary.

Lay out a large piece of heavy foil and add about 2T of water in the center along with beets. Seal foil tightly and place on a baking sheet for support. Roast for about 40 minutes until beets are tender but not too soft. You want them to be firm in texture. 

Remove from oven, open foil and cool.  Once cool enough to handle, peel beets, slice into wedges and layer in a large jar with onions. 

Combine the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour liquid over beets and tap jar lightly on a soft surface to release any trapped air bubbles. Seal, cool and refrigerate.  Beets are ready in a couple of days and keep in the fridge for several weeks. 


Spread a thin layer of whipped feta on a platter.  Top with beets, arugula, onions and pistachios.  If desired drizzle with good quality white balsamic vinegar and edible flowers.  


Meet the Member: Pam Flowers


Meet the Leader: Nancy Bayouth