Reflections Kathy Paukune Reflections Kathy Paukune

Why do we need Bible Study?

“Thus the reason I need Bible study. Bible study not only helps me stay in His Word daily  (and I NEED His Word daily), but it also gives me a group of fellow believers who can  hold me accountable and who can help me in my walk with Christ.  “

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Reflections Kathy Paukune Reflections Kathy Paukune

Why is the Bible important?

“The Bible surpasses all other books as to authority, antiquity, literature, and popularity.” Unlike historical books, the Bible points to our future as well as our beginning. The authors of the Bible were directed by God the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21). Reading the Bible is a form of worship. The Bible is the Word of God!

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Reflections Kathy Paukune Reflections Kathy Paukune

He is Always There

Life gets busy, and sometimes we fail to fix our thoughts on Jesus. Whenever we take the time to focus on him, the day is better! If you look for Him, you will see that He is always there, waiting for us to look to Him.

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Testimonies Kathy Paukune Testimonies Kathy Paukune

Comments from Katherine

My mom has been asking me to come to this Bible Study for years. I always found an excuse to not go because I thought I didn’t need to be in a Bible Study with a bunch of “moms;” I needed to be in a Bible Study with girls who were closer to my age. Boy was I wrong.

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Reflections Gracie Thomas Reflections Gracie Thomas

The Cornerstone

“So this is what the sovereign Lord says, ‘See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.’” Isaiah 28:16

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Reflections Gracie Thomas Reflections Gracie Thomas

A Matter of Time

The dearest part of the story is God’s response. I can only imagine His face as He tells them the consequences. I bet he glared at the serpent and then smirked as the flying beauty dropped to the ground and slithered away…

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Reflections Gracie Thomas Reflections Gracie Thomas

He Saved You a Seat at the Table

I have a lot of questions. And, the process of thinking through possible explanations is actually sort of fun for me — like some people must feel when they solve a puzzle or understand a really difficult math equation. Most of my questions have to do with the Bible…

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Testimonies Gracie Thomas Testimonies Gracie Thomas

A Letter From Lissa Harrison

If I have learned anything through the trials that have come my way, it is that I am weak. BUT in Christ I am made strong and I have been able to overcome so many obstacles that I would never have been able to face had I not had a relationship with Him…

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