Meet Betty Kilpatrick

Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 4:16-18

For a long time, I just had a family verse until someone asked friends to share their favorite personal verse.  It was such a fun experience to really search through the scriptures and find a verse. This is the one I often include on older friend's birthday wishes 🤣 but it is always a great reminder to me of how we are to truly live! 

How has @ HOME been impactful in your life: 

@Home keeps me tethered to His Word and without it, I’m prone to be undisciplined which is never pretty!

Favorite @ HOME Study so far: 

Impossible to name your favorite child!

What you do outside of @ HOME:

Too much! a life long goal is figuring out what God wants me to spend time doing.  I have a lot of things I love to do but that doesn’t mean they are all worthy of pursuit.  I love to buy old homes and renovate them to sell or lease. I find cooking, baking and gardening therapeutic.  Tim and I are also dabbling in producing wine from a small part of a vineyard we have in Argentina.  It’s been a fun kind of romantic adventure.  

Favorite Hymn or Praise Song: 

Hands down, A Mighty Fortress by Martin Luther.  It was my dad’s favorite hymn too although I never knew it until opening an envelope he gave me with instructions not to open until he died.  Believe it or not, the envelope stayed sealed until his passing.  Not surprising, it was instructions for his funeral including his obituary.  The song he wanted sung was A Mighty Fortress.

Favorite Vacation Spot: 

Day in and day out, Hico, TX to our humble spot in the country.  This is the place where I get away with Tim,  attempt to garden in brutal Texas weather (my tomatoes are currently baking on the vine), raise bees and chickens, watch birds, and just get away from hectic schedules. It seems common to ask people if they are mountain or beach people.  I think a third category should be added - country!

Favorite Fort Worth Restaurant: 

Right now, I would say The Tavern. It’s easy, food is always great and the menu is varied enough to not grow old. 

3 Things You’re Loving Right Now (these can be books, activities, foods, habits, literally anything!) 

Summer break: fresh tomatoes and honey, raising chickens (which apparently I haven’t done well - started with 7 and am down to 2), and growing older with Tim.


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