Meet Kathy Paukune

Favorite Bible Verse: 

Revelation 19:11-16 because we really do have a KING coming on a white horse for us! And, Deuteronomy 31:8 which He has to remind me of almost daily!

How has @ HOME been impactful in your life: 

Writing questions for @HOME keeps me in the WORD daily — I get to have an ongoing conversation with Christ. His Word NEVER ceases to amaze me — He is BRILLIANT!

Favorite @ HOME Study so far: 

I think the one we are currently working on for this fall — SO much I’ve never seen in such familiar territory. It’s seems brand new and so impactful!

What you do outside of @ HOME:

Read, walk or work out, spend time at our ranch

Favorite Hymn or Praise Song: 

SO many: Pat Green’s Wave on Wave which isn’t technically a praise song but to me it is the BEST, and anything by Lauren Daigle but I especially love her newest album and “How Can it Be?"

Favorite Vacation Spot:

Africa (South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe), Santa Barbara, CA 

Favorite Fort Worth Restaurant: 

Right now it's 61 Osteria —the restaurant is beautiful and the food is amazing!

3 Things You’re Loving Right Now (these can be books, activities, foods, habits, literally anything!) 

Watching the sunset from the porch at our ranch, an Aperol Spritz at lunch or happy hour, and flowers (@arrangedbyG on Instagram!)


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