Meet the Member: Brenda Brunette

How did you get involved with @HOME Bible Study?    I had been in Ft. Worth for a few years, having moved from Houston, and had been looking for a bible study group to join. Several friends recommended this very small group that was starting at a friend’s house in Fort Worth. We started by doing the Beth Moore series. I loved it immediately!  

What has been your favorite study and why?  And, or, if you are new, what would you most like to study?    I believe my favorite study so far has been 1 & 2 Thessalonians. It is such a great study on faith and encouragement and God's promises to us.

What is your “go to” Bible verse, or story from the Bible that inspires you and why? I have two and can't choose just one!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18  "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6-8 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

What do you hope to gain through Bible Study, for how do you hope to grow in your relationship with Christ? I have to have a bible study to keep me on my toes!  The encouragement I get from others in my group, through their sharing, is indispensable. Having a weekly study keeps God in the forefront.

When, and how, do you make time for Bible Study in your day? I try to do it first thing, AFTER my coffee, and after a little quiet time and prayer.  Some days are a little more rushed than others, but I enjoy the days the most when I really get to spend more time with my study. 

How has studying God’s Word impacted your work, social life, or family dynamic? God's Word impacts every part of my life.  When you do a bible study and His Words are so present in your mind, you can't help but try your best to live by them, which affects every part of my life. 

Who would you most like to meet from the Bible and what question(s) would you ask them? Sarah, Abraham's wife.  I would want to know what it was like to not have been able to have a baby for all of those years, and then suddenly, by a miracle of God, have a baby at age 90, just like God had promised her.

What Biblical event would you have wanted to witness? The parting of the Red Sea. What a visual wonder that must have been and an event only God could have mastered.
What has brought you joy this past week? The sun shining brightly and the brilliant blue sky after the winter snowstorm.

Brenda Brunette


Sweet Potato Irish Stew


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