Meet the Member: Maggie C.

How did you get involved with @HOME Bible Study? I saw a few posts about it on Instagram and then reached out to @HOME about starting a group with girls my age.

What has been your favorite study and why?  And, or, if you are new, what would you most like to study? I am new so I have only done the Sonrise to Sunday Study. I have loved that 1 and 2 Thessalonians outline the hardships that followers of Jesus face and will face and the hope we have for when He returns. It is encouraging to read and be reminded of our need to remain faithful and how that shapes our daily lives. 

 I would love to study Ruth one day. 

What is your “go to” Bible verse, or story from the Bible that inspires you and why? I love the story of the Samaritan Woman at the well in John 4. It is the perfect reminder of Jesus' faithfulness and grace, and it shows us how Jesus is the living water we need. We put our faith and trust in him, and we can bank on the fact that the well will never run dry. He will never turn away, and He will never not satisfy. His love is unconditional and because of the cross, we are forgiven.

What do you hope to gain through Bible Study, for how do you hope to grow in your relationship with Christ?  I hope that the more I study His word, the more I will be equipped for when hard times come, or hard decisions need to be made, that what I have studied will help guide me. 

When, and how, do you make time for Bible Study in your day? I do my quiet time the second I wake up. I get my coffee and then usually get back in bed and do it there. 

How has studying God’s Word impacted your work, social life, or family dynamic? Reading and studying the Bible draws me closer to God, helping me gain more wisdom, hear his voice, and trust him more in every part of my life. It impacts every part of my life in the most positive of ways.

Who would you most like to meet from the Bible and what question(s) would you ask them? I would like to meet Daniel. God was the central aspect of Daniel’s life, and he didn’t waver when hardships arose. He remained faithful and obedient to God… even in a lion’s den.

What has brought you joy this past week? I work for a Non-Profit called Justin’s Place and we just had our 6th annual Women Empowering Women luncheon. There were 440 men and women that attended, and I love being able to watch people fall in love with the mission of Justin’s Place. Through my job, I am constantly reminded of the goodness and faithfulness of God. He is at work in all aspects of Justin’s Place, and it is amazing to get to see. I get to tell people about his redeeming grace every week and that brings me joy.

What is your favorite book/TV show/movie? You’ve Got Mail. I honestly probably watch this movie 3 times a week. I love Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. It’s so happy and an easy movie to fall asleep to!!

What is your favorite way to spend your free time? I love to run and go on long walks; Recently I am learning how to play pickleball so that’s been something I have enjoyed in my free time. I also love going to happy hour or fun dinners with my friends. 

Favorite FTW restaurant, and what do you order? Pacific Table- I am obsessed with everything on their menu but my go to is the Singapore Chicken Salad. Oh and the Lincoln roll. 
Favorite place to vacation/spend time in the summer? Every year in the summer my family goes to Colorado. One of my favorite things to do is go on long hikes with my mom. 


Meet the Member: Sarah G.


Meet the Member: Lauren B.